Most important Cytology (Cell Biology) MCQ's : Botany Knowledge


Most important Cytology (Cell Biology) MCQ's 

Cytology is the study of cellular structure, functioning, types, behavior, and framework. This perspective helps you immerse yourself in the basic sciences and understand why each intricacy of a cell is important. Since cells are the most fundamental units of life, both prokaryotic and eukaryotic life, it becomes even more integral to give due importance to the subject. Only when you study cells can you understand the complex tissues and organ structures.In this article, we will explore some multiple-choice questions (MCQ) related to Cytology to test your knowledge. Enjoy the journey through time as we delve into the fascinating world of cell !

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1. For production of energy inside the body, oxygen reacts with which one of the following substance ?

a. Carbohydrates

b. Fats

c. Proteins

d. All of the above

Answer : d. All of the above

2. The live cell for the first time was discovered by 

a. Robert Hook

b. Alexander Fleming

c. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek

d. E. Adams

Answer : c. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek

3. The amount of carbohydrates in the protoplasm of a cells is 

a. 5%

b. 1%

c. 2%

d. 10%

Answer : b. 1%

4. The outermost protective covering, which separates animals cells from its external environment is 

a. Cell wall

b. Cell membrane

c. Plasma  membrane

d. Both b and c

Answer : d. Both b and c

5. The protein contents of cell membrane are

a. 40%

b. 50%

c. 55%

d. 45%

Answer : c. 55%

6. Living substance of cell is celled 

a. Cytoplasm

b. Protoplasm

c. Nucleus

d. Chromosomes

Answer : b. Protoplasm

7. Which organelle is called power house of the cell ?

a. Centrosome

b. Lysosomes

c. Plastids

d. Mitrochondria

Answer : d. Mitrochondria

8. All of the following are the function of a cell membrane except

a. Selective permeability

b. Absorption

c. Protein synthesis

d. Excretion

Answer : c. Protein synthesis

9. Which of the following organelles digests the old organelles that are no longer useful to the cells ?

a. Ribosomes 

b. Lysosomes 

c. Mitochondria

d. Chromatids

Answer : b. Lysosomes 

10. What do prokaryotic cells lack ?

a. Cell membrane 

b. Cytoplasm

c. Cell wall

d. Membrane bound nucleus

Answer : d. Membrane bound nucleus

11. In the fluid mosaic model of the membrane

a. The proteins are arranged in layers

b. The lipid no specific arrangement

c. The lipids is fluid and arranged in a bilayer with functional protein embedded in them

d. The lipids and proteins are not arranged in any particular order.

Answer : c. The lipids is fluid and arranged in a bilayer with functional protein embedded in them

12. All membrane processes, such as pumping and channelling of molecules are carried out by

a. Lipids

b. Carbohydrates

c. Nucleic acids 

d. Proteins

Answer : d. Proteins

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